Ether 2.0: the founder of hex and pulse explains why upcoming legislation could drive the coin below $1,700 – and breaks down the difference between ‘proof of work’, ‘proof of stake’, and ‘proof of… - OhNo WTF Crypto

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Ether 2.0: the founder of hex and pulse explains why upcoming legislation could drive the coin below $1,700 – and breaks down the difference between ‘proof of work’, ‘proof of stake’, and ‘proof of…

#crypto #bitcoin

<img alt=”GettyImages 974630854″ class=”img-responsive imported-news-entry-img” src=”” />
<figcaption>A visual representation of the digital cryptocurrency, ether.
<p class=”copyright”>Photo by S3studio/Getty Images<!– sh_cad_1…Read More



, @KhareemSudlow