Upgrades to the ethereum network could turn crypto staking into a $40 billion industry by 2025, JPMorgan says - OhNo WTF Crypto

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Upgrades to the ethereum network could turn crypto staking into a $40 billion industry by 2025, JPMorgan says

#crypto #bitcoin

<img alt=”2021 02 19T000000Z_1990492064_RC2YVL9WZB2R_RTRMADP_3_CRYPTO CURRENCY ETHEREUM.JPG” class=”img-responsive imported-news-entry-img” src=”https://images2.markets.businessinsider.com/60deda1c4a93e20019129980?format=jpeg” />
<figcaption>The Ethereum network is moving to a staking system.
<p class=”copyright”>Dado Ruvic/Reuters<!Read More


via https://www.ohnocrypto.com

, @KhareemSudlow