Mintable - An NFT auction of a 96 year-old painting by Wladimir Baranoff-Rossine - OhNo WTF Crypto

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Mintable - An NFT auction of a 96 year-old painting by Wladimir Baranoff-Rossine

#crypto #bitcoin

Andy is joined by Zack Burks, CEO at the Mintable NFT marketplace, and Wladimir Baranoff-Rossine, grandson of the legendary Ukrainian, Russian and French painter. Mintable is hosting an exclusive NFT based collection of 10 drops, 4 auctions, and 1 original 96-year-old physical painting, all by Baranoff-Rossine. It’s a historic first where avant-garde art meets the brave new world of NFTs.



Andy Pickering, @KhareemSudlow