GBP bank deposits and withdrawals for UK customers are reinstated - OhNo WTF Crypto

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GBP bank deposits and withdrawals for UK customers are reinstated

#Coinbase #OhNoCrypto

We’re delighted to announce that we’ve successfully transitioned our payment systems for UK customers, and domestic GBP bank transfers are now fully reinstated.

As a part of this update we’re adding full support for six assets — BAT, ZRX, REP, XLM, and XRP. You can now buy, sell, and trade them using your GBP wallet, funded by a GBP bank account or credit/debit card.

We’d like to thank all our customers for their patience during this period whilst we’ve been completing this essential work.

In order to use the new payment system, Coinbase customers simply sign in to their account, select ‘Deposit’ on their GBP wallet and follow the on-screen instructions to set up a new payment method, using the new sort code and account number.

Questions about payment methods? Find answers here.

GBP bank deposits and withdrawals for UK customers are reinstated was originally published in The Coinbase Blog on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

OhNoCoinbase via @Zeeshan Feroz, @Khareem Sudlow