Max Keiser: Bitcoin Going to $100K as Banks ‘Never Been in Worse Shape’ - OhNo WTF Crypto

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Max Keiser: Bitcoin Going to $100K as Banks ‘Never Been in Worse Shape’

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The one and only Max Keiser, once again spoke to Bitcoinist. He shares his thoughts on where he thinks Bitcoin price is now headed, the US-China trade war and the ‘unfolding’ global economic crisis. 

Max Keiser: I See Bitcoin Hitting $100K

Bitcoinist: Everyone’s talking about this US-China ‘trade war’ – what role do you see Bitcoin playing in all of this?   

Max Keiser: Keiser Report identified the twin trends of Deglobalization and Dedollarization a few years ago when Trump was running for President and now confirmed as President. The post-war period of global monetary cooperation (and Central Bank collusion*) are over.

The joint-race to the bottom with competitive fiat devaluations to boost exports – and now negative interest rates (covering more than $10 trillion and some mortgage bonds) – has reached its nadir.

Countries like China and Russia are pulling out of the $USD currency hegemony and easing into bi-lateral trade outside the dollar. And we’ll see more announcements like Russia and China’s recently about introducing a gold-backed crypto coin.

This means China and Russia are bringing back a Gold standard. This means curtains for the $USD. GREAT NEWS FOR BITCOIN AND GOLD. 

How will it affect its value and will these trade tensions accelerate another economic crisis?   

The crisis unfolding now is less about trade and more about the next leg of the global bank crisis. $DB looks like the new Lehman. Contagion will be fierce and quick. 

You’ve been recently doubling down on your past prediction of $28K in the short-term for Bitcoin price. What makes you so confident that BTC will break its ATH so soon?   

To be clear, when Bitcoin was at $20,000, I said, $28,000 is in play. Traders scoffed at this when we had the pullback to $3,200, but $28,000 is still in play.

I see Bitcoin hitting $100,000, like I said back in 2011 when it was $1, and I don’t consider the recent 80% pullback (the fourth I’ve seen) significant. Everything is right on schedule. $28,000 is still in play. 

Specifically, what events could be a catalyst for this potential surge (e.g. EU elections, Brexit, central banks buying stocks etc.)

Bitcoin, as hinted in the Genesis Block, is an attack on Central Banks, and fiat money. As banks collapse, adoption, price, hashrate, difficulty, all go up. Banks have NEVER been in worse shape. Ipso facto, BTC continues on its monster rally. 

BTC price is up almost 50% since US Congressman Brad Sherman called for a blanket ban on Bitcoin. Is this a coincidence or is there something to this?   

Everyone I follow on Twitter thanked Brad Sherman profusely for telling the world how vulnerable the $USD is and how to escape that risk: Buy Bitcoin. 

What are your thoughts on Kik’s current battle with the SEC? What implications will this have on the crypto markets moving forward?

This was my tweet in that: Regarding Kik

Modern history of financial engineering: Wall St. “innovates” then lobbies law makers to change laws or write new laws, or face a financial crisis (made possible by their ‘Too Big To Fail’ status). Bitcoin will repeat this pattern as BTC whales muscle law makers to bend.

You previously stated that the Bitcoin protocol will become ‘self-aware’ at block 300,000. Could you elaborate?

I noticed around block 300,000 that the protocol was manipulating people’s behavior via the incredible incentives and game theory baked in. People are beyond addicted to Bitcoin. They are essentially giving their conscious and unconscious minds – along with hashing power – up for adoption by the protocol.

We are all becoming Satoshi’s children.

You can speculate on why and how – and I have, and maybe I’ll write more about this. Suffice to say, our species needs to start coming to terms with the presence of this self-aware parallel intelligence impacting our lives and our world. 

Why do you think your good friend, gold-bug Peter Schiff, refuses to acknowledge the benefits of Bitcoin despite his own business accepting BTC to buy gold?

I don’t think about Peter Schiff anymore. He’s become irrelevant. He’s got a cool house in Puerto Rico, though.

What do you think about Facebook’s announced GlobalCoin? Same as JPMCoin or will it help facilitate Bitcoin/crypto adoption?

It’s a payment rail. It will cut into established payment rails. It’s not Gold 2.0. It looks like, however, that $FB talked with the Winklevoss Twins and appear to have agreed to carve up the world; $FB takes payments, WT take Gold. 

Zuckerberg Consults Rivals Winklevoss to Push Facebook’s ‘GlobalCoin’

You hold quite a few patents yourself. What are your thoughts on Craig Wright’s attempts to patent certain aspects of Bitcoin?

Yes. My patents have a greater claim than anything Craig has ever come up with regarding Bitcoin. I suspect he’ll go insane and blow his brains out one day, as a few suffering from BDS (Bitcoin Derangement Syndrome) have already, in one way or another. 

What developments or upcoming events in Bitcoin are you most looking forward to this year?

CryptoSpings in Palm Springs will be the greatest. It’s all about Lightning! and watermelon margaritas. Also, Nomi Prins’ book “Collusion.”

Thanks again for yor thoughts Max!

What do you think of Max Keiser’s comments? Share your thoughts below!

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via Allen Scott, Khareem Sudlow