Evercrypt: The World’s First Hacker-Proof Cryptography? - OhNo WTF Crypto

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Evercrypt: The World’s First Hacker-Proof Cryptography?

Evercrypt: The World’s First Hacker-Proof Cryptography?

Many individuals and organizations have acknowledged the immense potential of blockchain technology, but that hasn’t changed the fact that the cryptocurrency sector still faces massive obstacles in terms of public perception, fraud, and security.

It appears as though researchers are at least attempting to tackle the security aspect, as they seem to have released a “hacker-proof” cryptographic code. Evercrypt was released several days ago on April 2, 2019.

The Code

The project is named “Evercrypt,” and researchers apparently have created code that is as immutable as mathematics.

Of course, it isn’t as if software created by programmers is expected to be hacked or exploited. Programmers work hard to ensure that their code works smoothly, only to often find that a “perfect storm” renders their software vulnerable. It is these situations that can lead to massive hacks and data breaches.

Karthik Bhargavan, a computer scientist who worked on the project, offered simply:

“We prove that our code can’t suffer these kinds of attacks.”

Formal Verification

Evercrypt is described as a “library of software” that involve simple arithmetic, including geometry and prime numbers.

Many companies have claimed to enhance security, but Everycrypt claims to be “provably secure” in the same way that a mathematical answer is provable and cannot be contested. In essence, it is “mathematically proven” to be more secure than the competition.

For those who are wondering how Evercrypt came to be; it is the result of an initiative led by none other than Microsoft Research. Many have pointed out the flaws of cryptographic libraries, because they are often slower to run and are often full of bugs, as well.

Many have pointed out that a solution such as Evercrypt might have an array of applications, and is in high demand concerning the software industry. Evercrypt reportedly offers guarantees that are not available currently, such as ensuring that software is free of certain errors that can lead to security flaws.

It should be noted that although Evercrypt claims to be immune to all known attacks, this does not mean that hackers and cybercriminals will not eventually develop a way to exploit Evercrypt in the future. It is obvious to see that protecting data and information in this manner might be extremely valuable, particularly to those who deal with sensitive intellectual property.

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http://bit.ly/2FUbkJa April 6, 2019 at 08:21PM @BruceDayne, @Neil Matthew April 7, 2019 at 09:43PM